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病毒基因组DNA/RNA快速提取试剂盒 II

1122-病毒基因组DNA RNA快速提取试剂盒
目录编号 包装单位
112201 50


采用特异性结合病毒DNA/RNA 的离心吸附柱和独特的缓冲液系统,病毒DNA/RNA提取试剂盒适合于从无细胞体液,包括血浆、血清、腹水、培养细胞上清液、脑脊髓液及尿液等中快速提取高纯的病毒DNA/RNA。该产品可以满足绝大多数的病毒RNA/DNA的同时提取要求, 如病毒RNA:HCV(丙肝病毒),HIV(艾滋病毒),和HTLV(人类嗜T淋巴细胞病毒); 病毒DNA:HBV(乙肝病毒)和CMV(巨细胞病毒)等等。病毒裂解后,DNA/RNA后在高离序盐状态下选择性吸附于离心柱内硅基质膜,再通过一系列快速的漂洗-离心的步骤,将盐、细胞代谢物、蛋白等杂质去除,最后低盐的洗脱缓冲液将纯净的病毒DNA/RNA从硅基质膜上洗脱。纯化后的病毒核酸无杂质和PCR抑制剂,可直接适用于PCR/RT-PCR分析。

3.多次柱漂洗确保高纯度,提取的病毒DNA/RNA 纯度高,质量稳定可靠,可适用于各种常规操作,包括PCR/RT-PCR、酶切、测序、Southern 杂交等。

  As a pre-requisite for the analysis of viral nucleic acids by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or RT-PCR the isolation of the analyte from serum, plasma or whole blood is required. Virus lysis is accomplished by incubation of the sample in a special Lysis/Binding buffer in the presence of Proteinase K. Subsequently, nucleic acids bind specifically to the surface of glass fibers in the presence of a chaotropic salt. The binding reaction occurs within seconds due to the disruption of the organized structure of water molecules and the interaction of nucleic acids with the glass fibers surface. Thus, adsorption to the glass fiber fleece is favored. Since the binding process is specific for nucleic acids, the bound nucleic acids are purified from salts, proteins and other impurities by a washing step and are eluted in low salt buffer or water.